Astrology & Energy Consulting

Solar Return Chart Reading This yearly forecast focuses on major energetic influences and themes for the year.

Lunar Return Chart Reading This reading focuses on the major activities and themes impacting the energies of the moon (i.e. the emotional/astral body) for the month.

Progressed and/or Natal Chart Readings The natal chart is each person’s birth chart or horoscope that can be read individually, and comparatively, with the progressed birth chart (i.e. the current astrological energy pattern, progressed since the time of one’s birth). Insight into each horoscope is provided that highlights significant life themes and patterns that can be used for healing, work-life balance and overall success.

Composite and/or Synastry Chart Readings These are separate charts and readings that explore significant prospective or present one to one relationship energies, patterns and possibilities. The composite chart explores the combined energies of two partners while the synastry chart looks at the energetic impact each partner has on the other. Each chart reading is explored in relation to the individual/partner’s energy, identified in the natal horoscope (i.e. the birth chart).

Astrology readings are made available by audio recordings.

For further Inquiries about all services and products contact me here.

Presentation/Workshop, Coaching and Consultations

Workshops at Present Include: Honouring the Goddess A Wellness Series; Accessibility, and Inclusion for Re-imagining a Universal Design for Diverse Ways of Being; Anti-Oppression Human Centered Design Thinking for Transformative Thought Leadership and Development.

Coaching and Consultation for Organizations Explores key priorities related to specific areas, identified in consultation with each client, to enhance the success of strategic planning, organizational development, and change management.

Astrological Coaching for Individuals Provides a client-focused chart reading in a one on one live session with a specific intention in an area determined in consultation with each client. These sessions run for an hour and are made available via Zoom, where a two (2) session minimum is recommended.

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